Holiday Bazaar 2023
Save the Date!

Saturday, November 18th, 10AM – 2PM

Shop Small & Support Local

We will have several, local and small business vendors, a plant sale, and a garden-inspired lunch available the day of the event. More details to come!

Thank you for supporting the Olivewood Kitchenistas and local small businesses in our community. The impact of your purchase is amplified exponentially. Your support of the Olivewood Holiday Bazaar supports financial security and entrepreneurship, local economic development, and Olivewood’s health and environmental equity programs for youth, adults, families, and the community.

We will have an Olivewood-inspired lunch available the day of the event. Food will be available for purchase at the event!

We would like express gratitude for all of the time, hard work, and effort from the Kitchenistas, local supporting entrepreneurs & businesses, volunteers, staff, and community members who are making this event possible!

2022 Holiday Bazaar Kitchenista Vendors