
Can we call you Joe?

Two field trips a day, three rotations a field trip, three days a week, and sometimes more. It takes an army of volunteers to keep the Olivewood kitchen cooking! Helmed by Chef Educator Kati Butler — who creates recipes, manages the kitchen, teaches, and coordinates lessons in sync with garden and science units — the

Sowing Seeds…

Dateline: Early January, 2012 Olivewood’s winter garden is lush and green, and surprisingly, this presents its own set of challenges for the class of excited third graders wiggling and squirming on the hay bales as Sacha starts opening circle. Nearby, the wheat has grown high and celadon green, topped with whiskery spikes of plumping, yellowing


Although beautiful, the winter garden bears little resemblance to the green tangle it will become by summer. Bordering the entry walk, the thick, magenta plumed spears of amaranth, woven through tall green corn stalks, have been cut away and tossed on the compost heap. The bean tee pees are still bare, awaiting the first tendrils


Learn from Professional Chefs Students get hands on cooking lessons from local San Diego chefs and food professionals every time they visit Olivewood Gardens. Learn More